1. U.S. citizenship or permanent residency in the United States.
2. Ph.D. or MD/Ph.D. degree.
3. Research project is within the scientific scope of the CCBM.
4. Commitment to at least one full year of funding by the training grant.
5. Commitment to attending required program training sessions and activities (see below).
6. Commitment to develop an Individual Training Plan (IDP).
7. Commitment to assemble a Postdoctoral Advisory Committee (PAC) within the first 4-6 months of being appointed to the CCBM Training Program.
8. Commitment to submitting an individual grant or fellowship application to the NIH or other funding institution by the end of the 2nd year of CCBM training.
9. Commitment to completing the CCBM training program evaluation form and the Exit Interview.
10. Upon appointment, each trainee is required to sign a form agreeing to the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Payback Agreement. Additional information regarding this policy can be found at: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/nihgps/html5/section_11/11.4.3_payback.htm.”

Training Sessions and Activities
Emerging Concepts and Current Challenges in CCBM Research
State-of-the-Art Technology
Responsible Conduct of Research sessions
Career Development Curriculum
Training grant related retreats, symposia, and national meetings

Steps to Join
1. Identify a laboratory from our list of mentors and co-mentors and apply to that lab.
2. Once you join the lab, you and your mentor apply to the CCBM training program.

From the trainee
1. A personal statement, briefly describing your main research interests and what you hope to learn while on this training grant. Include a statement that you meet the eligibility requirements and a statement that you agree to fulfill the Program’s requirements. The statement should not exceed two single spaced pages (11pt font, half inch margins).
2. A current NIH Biosketch or CV.
3. Current and Pending Other Support
4. A minimum of three letters of recommendation from individuals who are qualified to comment on your scientific accomplishments and potential. One of these is the letter of nomination from the current advisor/mentor. (see directly below).

From the mentor
1. A letter of nomination providing brief explanation why the postdoctoral fellow is a good candidate for this training grant. Include a statement that you agree to follow the structure of the IDP-based program and participate in the program evaluation.
2. If you are a co-mentor, please identify a senior mentor with whom you will work to advise the trainee. Include a statement of agreement by the senior mentor and a plan outlining responsibilities of each mentor.