1. Identify a laboratory from our list of mentors and co-mentors and apply to that lab.
2. Once you join the lab, you and your mentor apply to the CCBM training program.
Please email the application materials to the Program Coordinator at
Subject Heading: Application to CCBM
Application package should include:
From the trainee:
1. A cover letter that explains both short-term and long-term career goals and how participation in this training program will enable you to develop and/or expand your research career. Describe the new or enhanced research skills and knowledge you will acquire as a result of the proposed award. Include a statement that you meet the eligibility requirements and a statement that you agree to fulfill the Program’s requirements (see list below). Please also list any Current and/or Pending Other Support (no longer than 2 pages; 11pt font, half inch margins)
2. A specific aims page describing your research plans formatted according to NIH guidelines. Include the impact that the results of the proposed research will have on the research field(s) involved. List succinctly the specific objectives of the research proposed and the anticipated outcome(s). (1 page; 11pt font, half inch margins)
3. A current NIH Biosketch. Please ask the grants support office for help if you do not have one.
4. Three letters of recommendation from individuals who are qualified to comment on your scientific accomplishments and potential. One letter should be from the PhD thesis advisor, and one is the letter of nomination from the current advisor/mentor (see directly below).
From the mentor:
1. A letter of nomination providing brief explanation why the postdoctoral fellow is a good candidate for this training grant. Please include a statement that you as the mentor agree to follow the structure of the IDP-based program and participate in the program evaluation. Include a statement that you have read the trainee’s cover letter and specific aims page and agree with the trainee’s career goals.
2. If you are a co-mentor, please identify a senior mentor with whom you will work to advise the trainee. Include a statement of agreement by the senior mentor and a plan outlining responsibilities of each mentor.
• Use of Individual Development Plan (IDP)
• Assemble and meet with a Postdoctoral Advisory Committee (PAC)
• Attend sessions on Emerging Concepts and Current Challenges in CCBM Research (~ 5/year)
• Attend sessions on State-of-the-Art Technology (~ 5/year)
• Attend Responsible Conduct of Research sessions
• Participate in Career Development curriculum
• Attend training grant related retreats, symposia, and national meetings
• Complete training grant annual and exit surveys
• Application for continued funding following training grant